Aloha My Fellow PGA Professionals,
As secretary of the Board it is my responsibility to administer the election process for the At-Large Directors of the Aloha Section PGA. At the end of November 2021, the two (2) year term for six (6) At-Large Directors of the board will end. As established in the Aloha Section PGA Constitution, Article X, Section 2 requires there be nine (9) members on the Board of Directors, six (6) of whom shall be elected by the members, of which nine (9) members, at least four (4) shall reside in and represent the counties of Hawaii, Maui, Kauai and Honolulu respectively. The election process will be fulfilled in two parts, the nomination process and the election by electronic ballot from the general membership.
Nominations are now OPEN. All nominees will be required to meet the criteria set forth by the Aloha Section Constitution:
Nominations for At-Large Director must:
Be an active Class A Member or Life Member in Good Standing
Submit a letter of intent to serve (expressing reason why they feel qualified for the position)
Endorsement Letter from a fellow Aloha Section Class A member (Two Letters Required)
Headshot to be used online (Must be shoulder height)
Nominations must be submitted by September 28, 2021
Once all the requirements have been fulfilled, the nominee’s letter and headshot will be listed below (by island) available for review by the membership.
The election process will begin on October 1st and end on October 31st at 5:00PM. Following the election, there will be a twenty-day waiting period for the Section office to review all the ballots submitted. After all the votes have been certified an announcement of the new directors will be made to the general membership prior to the Aloha Section Annual Business Meeting. The new directors will be sworn in at the Annual Meeting. They will serve a two (2) year term beginning December 2021 and ending November 2023. One of the six new At-Large Directors will be elected as Secretary by the new Board of Directors.
Because our constitution does not have term limits the outgoing Directors may be nominated again for another term. For more information about the process or questions please contact Wesley Wailehua (
Board of Director Elections will OPEN Sunday, October 1